Saturday, August 28, 2010


Yes, I realize that I skipped nearly 4 months of blogging, and I realize that means I broke my new years' resolution... but you have to admit, a new years' resolution that lasts until May is pretty dang impressive.

So here are all the reasons why I haven't blogged:

1. our computer with all our pictures died.
yes, I realize that I had all the pictures on backup, but for some reason, everytime I thought about blogging I thought about our dead computer, and it made me too sad to the point that I didn't want to blog anymore.

2. My NEW camera died.

Here's the story about my cameras... they always break. and always while I'm on vacation. This is the 3rd one in a row that has broken the same exact way (the lens gets stuck), right in the middle of vacation. (this time it was right in the middle of our trip to Missouri to see Jeff's brother Paul, and his sisters Susie and Laura. Pretty depressing, especially because Laura's kids are so adorable.)

3. I've been too busy this summer having fun.

And this is probably the best reason of them all.

So while I know that I need to make a blog with actual pictures describing all the events that happened this summer, I'm a little too anxious about the upcoming school year to really focus on all that right now... probably because the Excedrine Migraine painkiller I just took has about as much caffeine as a cup of coffee.

As nervous as I am for the school year to start, I have to admit, I've missed having the structure of a daily schedule. This year's schedule is bound to be a doozy, but I know it's going to motivate me to get so much more done than just school.

For example...
1. Postcards.
I used to write postcards to all my really close friends, and I got really into it. I'm really hoping that I can start doing that again. Nothing beats snail mail sometimes.

2. Exercising everyday.
I've come to realize this summer that I've always relied on other people to motivate me to excercise... whether it was a team I was a part of, a class I signed up for, or forcing Jeff to let me work out with him, it's all been motivation from other people. I'm motivated to workout everyday, by myself, just for me. Good thing the BYU gym is free!

3. Blogging more frequently

I just do better at keeping up with things regularly when I have a set schedule during the day, unlike this summer which has been anything but regular.

For those of you who don't know, I have the chance this year to graduate a whole year early. I started college in 2008, and I'm supposed to be graduating in 2012, but between my over-achieving lifestyle in high school, and the few summer classes I've taken here, I get to graduate this April... as long as I take 18 CREDITS both Fall and Winter semester. 18 is the highest you can go at BYU... and it's going to be hard, but I have a set system. It's something I keep telling myself (and anyone who will listen to me) about so that I don't have a panic attack just thinking about it.
I'm going to treat school like a 9-5 job. Most of my classes start at 9, so as soon as they're over, I'm going to study until 5, and once the clock hits 5, I'll call it quits and go spend time keeping my sanity.
I just hope it works.

In case you were wondering about the fascinating world of psychology, here is my class schedule for the fall:

Course Course Title

PSYCH 306Psychology of Gender

PSYCH 356Intro to Health Psychology

MUSIC 201Civilization: Music 1

PSYCH 210History of Psychology

PSYCH 410RSenior Practicum: Teaching of Psychology

PSYCH 302Research, Design, & Analysis

Most of all, I just don't want the warm weather to go away. Someone once described Utah weather to me as being 4 months of summer and 8 months of winter. That's so true... this year we had snow all the way up until June!!
Don't get me wrong, I love snow, but not Utah snow. And I'm not ready to have to walk through the dirty, slushy snow that gets your pants all wet for the entire day. No thank you, sir.

And that's about all I have to say about that. More positive blogs coming soon.

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