Monday, June 25, 2012

And then we lived in Missouri.

1,400 miles and 30 hours driving later and here we are.

The uhaul all loaded up and ready for us to go. This was at 4 am!

the dog and the baby chilled out in the car while we packed up. 

Our last view of the mountains

end of day one. everyone was pooped.

Jeff and maddie fell asleep snuggling

day two off to a great start. Maddie slept most of the day! 

just a visual of how cramped it was in the uhaul. Buddy was pissed. 

quick rest stop in kansas

on day two, maddie developed a new addiction - sucking on empty bottles. We did anything we could to keep her happy and sleeping. 

end of day two! 

we were all happy to be out of the stuffy uhaul and in bed. 

the awesome view from our hotel

Buddy was confused by how small all the cars were. 
Eventually I stopped taking pictures on day 3. I was too tired and excited to get to Saint Louis and unpack everything. But we made it! and I promise to put up more posts about everything we've done since we've gotten here (now that I've found the cord for the camera and can actually upload pictures.) 

we survived! although, maddie's face expresses how we REALLY felt about the road trip.

1 comment:

  1. You guys got a really good view of the KC skyline. Did you guys get to enjoy any good KC food while you were here? If not then you'll have to come back.


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