Tuesday, July 31, 2012

whiteley update

I have to apologize for not blogging so much lately. The truth is, it's easier for me to share what's going on, when I actually have all of my ducks in a row, and right now, none of my ducks are in any row.

But here's what IS going on:

Maddie is beginning to crawl, roll, and scooch her way around everywhere. Part of me loves it, and part of me wants to scream, "stop growing!!"

I have been searching for a job, but have not had much luck. It's really frustrating, especially when all I want to do is stay at home with maddie.

Jeff and I both found a college in the area that has a great counseling program, and we're applying for acceptance for this winter. Keep your fingers crossed for us!

For now, my sanity has been working out. Gosh, I never thought I would ever say that. But since my amazing sister-in-law has lost over 100 lbs, she has been a huge motivation for me to get back into shape. And I have to say, having gone from my c-section and feeling so weak and hardly able to sit up at times, to now, where I have a little more muscle, it just feels amazing.

and now, enjoy this hilarious video of maddie blowing raspberries. 

1 comment:

  1. How do you even know what ducks to put in a row?! If I could figure out my ducks, row them up I would! :)


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