Tuesday, January 12, 2010


So I've been a slacker when it comes to blogging, I admit. It was very intimidating at first. However, I am dedicated to posting everything that has happened in the past few months.
So Here it is...


The greatest thing that happened in October was Halloween. Because Jeff and I actually live in a house in an actual neighborhood, we had real trick-or-treaters! So while I was excited about all the trick-or-treaters we would be getting, Jeff was more excited about the candy.
In the end we bought two jumbo sized bags of candy for a grand total of... seven trickor-treaters.
But in the end we ate all the leftover candy while watching cheesy scary movies on TV. I'm pretty sure we got the good end of the deal!

This was our pathway to our door that we decorated. Since we live in the basement of a house, I wanted to make sure that kids could tell that we were giving out candy downstairs, too!

I have some experience with stage makeup, so Jeff and I took the easy route and just dressed up like old people. Complete with goodwill sweaters.


In November my parents came to visit and helped us get a little more settled into our apartment. They helped us do a lot of home improvement. Our favorite project was painting. We found some old paint cans in the back that looked like the same color our walls are, but when they dried we realized that our walls have faded to a much much lighter color than it previously was. Now we have little patches of what appears to be grease stains on the wall!

Then for thanksgiving we went to North Carolina and had a blast! Not only were we celebrating Thanksgiving, the Holiday of gluttony, but we also celebrated Jeff's brother Willie getting married to his beautiful bride, Lori.

Visiting North Carolina was a blast, and the more and more I go there, the more and more I am convinced that I am a southern girl who was born in the wrong state. Forgive me, Oregon!


Finals, Finals, Finals! Oh yeah, and Christmas...

December was the month of finals. With all of our attention focused on tests and final papers and such, Christmas came at us really fast. However we did find time to buy our first Christmas tree together (albeit a fake one... grr) and decorate our stockings.

To celebrate our last final (we both had one scheduled the night before our flight to Oregon) we decided to celebrate as if it were Christmas Eve. So we went to the Salt Lake City Temple to see all the beautiful lights they had there, and then we went home and made cookies for Santa. It's really cheesy, but it was the perfect end to finals.

And those cookies rocked!

Beautiful Salt Lake City Temple. It doesn't need any twinkle lights to be breath taking.


Not much is new now. We've started a new semester and classes are already starting to kick our butts. Jeff and I have planned out when we will both graduate and the verdict is that he should graduate by the end of next fall semester in December of 2010, and I will follow shortly that summer of 2011.

New Year's eve was so uneventful that I won't say much more about it... ha ha ha!
And as a New Year's Resolution we are planning on losing the newlywed weight that we have gained. Newly wed weight seems to be inevitable... much like the freshman 15.

And after having grown my hair out for six years, I've chopped it off as you can see in the pictures above.

and THAT, my friends is officially all of the newest and greatest events in our life. My new year's resolution is to become a better blogger!


  1. LOVE your blog!! The butterflies are adorable. :) I think it's so cute what y'all did to celebrate the end of finals.

  2. i'm in full support the be a better blogger resolution. i would take that on myself but i know it would only end in disappointment.


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