Saturday, September 25, 2010

Growing up...

Since I'm now in my last year of college, the most common topic is what everyone's going to do once they graduate. Lots of my friends in psychology are going on to grad school, some are looking for internships, and a few of my friends are looking to start their families.

People keep asking me what I'm going to do... and I have no idea!
So now that I'm being forced to grow up, what am I going to do?

The tentative plan is for us to both move to Virginia and work for a year to save up money. Then Jeff will start graduate school... and then what I do from there is a question mark.

So even though I know that few people read this, and even fewer people comment - I want to hear from you.
 What do you think I should do after graduation?

a. go to grad school and get my master's in child psychology
b. continue working while Jeff gets his doctorate
c. start having babies

For now I'm leaning towards starting to try for kids, but then again, I'm not so sure I'm ready to be a mom! But you never know what will change in a year...


  1. I think it's always good to make a plan with your spouse that you both feel good about in your hearts and minds. Then pray and proceed. If you feel a change needs to be made, then make it! I was planning to go to grad school, and about the time I was starting to submit my applications, we felt like it was time for babies instead. You just never know until you start living your plan I think.

  2. agree with jamileigh...babies!!!!!!!

  3. ha ha ha, jessica, you're so funny.

    jami - thanks. I think we both just feel like any of those paths would be the right one, you know what I mean? Having kids is just the scariest option... haha

  4. So. This is a very difficult conundrum you have found yourself in.... I'm gunna tell you right now that I have no answer for you, this is not something anyone else can choose. Its only up to you and jeff. sorry lady.

    BUT. I CAN offer a few suggestions on things to consider.... wether they'll be pro's or con's is left for you to decide and place into appropriate columns on your chart :)

    Option 1: Go to grad school and get my master's in child psychology

    Jeff will be in Grad school too. Your schedules may line up? More time together at home? More common ground, discussion topics? More homework and studies and classes. Graduation brings on a larger salary possibility. Great accomplishment?

    Option 2: Continue working while Jeff gets his doctorate
    Financial Security is so very important to me. It is one of my very biggest stressors. However, this insecurity is one of the things that I am working the most on changing. I hate that I worry about it so much. I need to have faith that my husband will provide for me and that the Lord will look out for us. Now that is me. You have to decide how important money is to you. How much money you need to have in your accout, how much buffer you need to have in your budget to feel secure. Because security is important! Its just that I need to learn that you can feel secure without having the next 5 years worth of budget money in your account now. if that makes sense..... Could you make it through Jeff's Graduate without working? Would it be difficult? Is that worth it to you?

    This will give you your ''fix'' of the work place if you intend to stay at home once you have children. If you plan on working after kids maybe you'll want to do school now so that you aren't sick of work so soon... ?

    Option 3: Start having babies
    Honestly, I don't know if anyone is truly ever mentally prepared and able to say "i'm so ready to be a mom." I mean.. even if they do say it, or even truly believe it, I GUARANTEE that at some point throughout pregnancy, the doubt it. But I promise you, it is worth it. I promise you that you CAN do it. That your child(ren) will love you. That you will be the best mom ever and when they're old enough, the will even give you some type of award to prove it.

    Spiritual Food-for-Thought 1. we are told the only thing to go into debt for is School, Home (within reason), and Family. 2. We've been told that Knowledge and Family are the ONLY things in which we will take with us into the next life. Think of the eternal perspective. Do with this what you will.

    I know you guys will be happy no matter what, after all, you have each other and that's what really matters!!! I love you sweetie and big decisions suck to make. --probably why God made ours for us. :)

    LOVE YOU!!!!! and Good luck! (Call me anytime!! To ask questions, vent, think things out out loud, or even just to say "hi" cuz i miss you!!)

  5. Decide whether you are going to work after you go to grad school. If you are just going to have babies afterward instead of work, maybe you should just skip grad school and go straight to babies!

  6. That's what I've kind of thought, too. What's the point of going to grad school if I'm just going to have babies right after, right?
    Haha, I'm definitely leaning towards not going to grad school as of right now. :)

  7. Having a kid seams scary and can be at times but im telling you it's not as bad as you think! :) There are ups and downs in everything in life but i say kids are the best. Ya, they can be a pain in the butt (like my son who's got his 2nd tooth in a month)but they are also the best gift you can ever get! My son is my everything. I also agree with what other ppl are saying too! Your friend, Kylee

  8. Amber, you will be such a cute mom!!!!


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