It may have sounded like I was being dramatic about grades earlier. let me clarify.
I'm taking some GE credits this semester, because instead of getting all of them out of the way Freshman year, I dove into my major and now have some left.
This one in particular is kicking my butt, Music Civilization. It sounded a lot easier than humanities, and I like music, so I said heck, yes. Originally, the class had on-line midterms that were open-book, open-note, (score!) but the professor found out that students were googling the answers instead of using their notes. So he put the test into the testing center - closed book, closed note. (boo, hiss)
Long story short, now that I can't use anything for help, I've been studying for 10+ hours for each test and getting low Ds. And chances are that I will get a D in the class, and have to retake the class again. I'm not the only one - the class average is a 70, and the highest score on the test (in a class of 800) was a 90.
It's just a ridiculous class, and I'm failing it, (and I REALLY don't want to have to take it over again) and I'm not really sure what to do. Any suggestions?
firstly "the poll" is closed so how can i vote 12,000 times? secondly, you guys are so dang cute i can hardly stand it!! thirdly, where did you get your theme for your blog?