Monday, April 30, 2012

Maternal Instinct

I keep hearing stories about mothers who would KILL for their babies. And when telling me about that instinct, they always say it as if they need to announce a threat to me and anyone nearby who is even thinking about hurting their children.
This picture has nothing to do with the story, I just figured you would need
a picture of a cute baby to distract you from how scary my story is. 

so when madison was born, I waited to feel the same way. and it didn't happen. until tonight. 

Our apartment complex is really lovely... during the day. But it's not exactly known for being crime free. Cop cars will even drive by every few hours just to send a message to everyone in the complex. 

So when my back door started creeping open, I was convinced someone was breaking in. and I played out the scenario in my head: 

1. Push sleeping madison in her bouncy chair as far away as possible. 

2. grab phone, pre-dial 911. 

3. call buddy to serve his purpose in life and be a surprisingly ferocious guard dog. 

4. grab giant butcher knife. 

5. approach door. 

I'm still not entirely convinced that it was the wind, because what wind opens doors? But by the time Buddy and I, and the phone and the knife reached the back door, no one was there. Then I felt compelled to yell out "Gee, buddy, good thing no one was here, or I would have STABBED them!" 

I think the mama bear instinct is alive and well. 

ps - I accidentally dialed 911, and hung up right away. Then they called back asking repetitively if I was being held hostage. embarrassing. at least I know in the future if I'm ever held hostage that I can call 911 and hang up right away. 


  1. That is actually very valuable 911 information.
    I'mma lock that one up in the old noggin. And way to be the ferocious and terrifying momma we all knew was in there. :)

  2. I can't get over how adorable your child is!! I want to visit soon!

    1. Aww, thanks! I wish I could say that you should come visit, but I'm not sure who you are, so I'm tempted to threaten you with a knife instead. ;) jk!

  3. Sounds familiar. When we were moving in to our current home there were always teenagers around playing with airsoft guns. Good neighborhood but just rowdy teenagers. I made very sure they saw this mama carrying in our multiple shootguns and rifles. Wanted to make sure anyone threatened my kids I knew how to use these.

  4. Back when I was living with my parents they had one of those motion sensing Big Mouth Singing Bass in the basement and I was home one night alone and could hear through the floor that it was singing in the basement. It totally freaked me out. There was a big knife being held very tightly until I had made sure no one else was in the house.


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