Friday, April 27, 2012

we have a super chunky monkey baby.

Yesterday was maddie's 2 month checkup.

let me back track a little. Maddie is growing out of clothes like crazy. I can't think of a single newborn outfit she wore more than once, and she's even starting to grow out of her 3 month outfits. One day, in a fit of anger, I threw all of her clothes on the floor and vowed to only put her in clothes she hadn't worn yet so she would be able to wear them at least once.
It didn't work.

While we were in Oregon, she literally wore a pair of pajamas the first day there, and grew out of them by the end of our 5 DAY TRIP.

to say I'm a little peeved is an understatement. some days I threaten to stop feeding her. (I would never do that, don't call cps on me!) one of my friends told me to give her "shortening". haha!

But despite all of that, I was convinced that the clothing companies just make the clothes really small so you have to keep buying more. I love a good conspiracy theory.

So, imagine my shock when at her two month appointment she weighed over 14 lbs. That's a big baby! and then her pediatrician came in and was shocked, too! I asked him what her percentile was, and he said that he couldn't even tell me because that weight/height didn't even exist on his chart. She's literally off the charts. Not an expression.

So I looked it up, because not knowing her percentile was killing me. 

Height - 98%, weight- 99.99%

Mind Blown. 

Holly suggested to me that she will be a toddler by time she is 6 months old. I wouldn't be surprised. 

But the good news is that she's totally healthy. He even said that developmentally, she was looking more like a 3 month old. Yay! 

But with a face as cute as this, I can't be mad at her for growing so fast. Maybe she'll go into the wnba!

1 comment:

  1. So cute!! :) Gotta love a healthy, chubby baby! Just how they should be!


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