Monday, March 15, 2010

March Madness!

...and not the basketball type.

So Kori, a really good friend of mine from my ward has been scolding me for not blogging about my birthday. And I have to admit that I don't have any pictures from my birthday... and I dread reading blogs that have no pictures. Hence why I dread blogging when I don't have any pictures to post, either!

Maybe that explains why I hate reading my textbooks so much...

Well anyways, here's the lowdown:

Thursday the 18th
I woke up to Jeff who had decorated the apartment and bought me a Happy Birthday hat, which he informed me I was required to wear all day. :)
That day I spent all day relaxing after having studied for tests and papers back-to-back for the past 3 weeks. Then that night he took me to see acapella jam at BYU!
Acapella Jam was awesome. For anyone who's a fan of acapella or has seen NBC's acapella competitions knows that BYU has some of the best acapella groups in the nation - vocal pointe is the men's group, and the woman's group is known as Noteworthy. They were awesome!


Friday the 19th
I took two tests, one presentation and a paper.

Saturday the 20th
Jeff and I got dressed up for the last surprise - tickets to BYU's white tie formal dance! Only just as we were about to leave, Jeff checked the tickets and realized the dance was on friday. whoops!
...and not the basketball type.

So we went to the dollar theater and saw Disney's The Princess and the Frog. So cute! We got a lot of weird looks because we still dressed up for a formal ball... ha ha!

And that was my birthday weekend!

Other News...
I've started this new diet called the HCG diet. It's one of those things that look and sound and seem like a scam. But after everyone in my office had done it and lost 30 lbs in a single month, I figured it was worth a shot!
I'm proud to say that I'm currently down 15 lbs, and counting! the goal is 30 lbs. I've already lost 2 dress sizes and I'm finding that my clothes don't fit me like they used to!
I'm excited to see what I look like after I lose another 15 lbs.

Jeff got a new job!
He now works for the lighting department for events at BYU, which is an awesome job! He gets into any and all events at BYU and works spotlights and other equipment. The hours are flexible, and he gets to see some really cool stuff!

Jeff and I recently planned out our lives.
...well, not our entire lives, but we've planned out the next 2 years involving school, and when we'll take off for grad school and all of that. I realized that I have enough credits to be graduating a year early, so I'm way excited! The thought of being done with school is just... awesome.

Coming up...
Jeff and I only have 2 weeks of classes until finals! We're taking this spring semester off so we can just relax and have time to visit our families.
Here's our list of everything we want to do this summer:

See full size image
1. Plant a garden. We have a small piece of land that is covered with weeds in our front yard. I'm planning on getting rid of all the weeds and planting some sunflowers.

2. Float down the Provo River.

See full size image
3. Get season Passes to Seven Peaks - the local waterpark in Provo.

4. Visit Oregon, St. Louis, Branson, and Concord, NC.

5. Pay off student loans!

6. Take up sewing. I'd like to make myself dresses for church. I just bought a sewing machine yesterday!

7. Hike Mt. Timpanogos.

8. Go to the Outer banks for our one-year anniversary. :)

9. Go jogging every night.

10. Live it up. :)

This is basically our last summer together before we "grow up" and get real jobs where we have to work during the summer, so I'm hoping to make the most of it!


  1. AH!!
    I didn't see that you had blogged until just now! Your life sounds just as great as ever, and I can't believe how fast the past year has gone by. ALSO, I can't wait to see you when I get back to Provo!

  2. Live it up now because children change all that. Don't get me wrong they come with their own excitement and are amazing but the days of playing around kind of go out the window. Well we still play around but we don't get to go anywhere anymore. Course that's a cash issue too...whole 'nother story. Sounds like fun and we seriously can't wait to see you guys!

  3. david and i met on mt timp! its a super fun hike


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